Monthly Archives: August 2019

Why You Need To Turn Chicken Manure Into Fertilizer To Improve Its Efficiency

Why You Need To Turn Chicken Manure Into Fertilizer To Improve Its Efficiency

Chicken manure is known for being a high-quality organic soil fertilizer. Chicken feed is not fully absorbed by the birds, resulting in up to 70% of nutrients being excreted. Consequently, chicken manure has the highest nutrient content of all poultry manure. The nutrient profit of chicken manure is 18.7% crude protein, 13% ash, 2.5% fat, 7% fiber, 11% carbohydrate, 2.32% nitrogen, 0.83% potassium and 2.32% phosphorus.

Unfortunately, however, there are lots of risks associated with applying unprocessed chicken manure directly to crops. For one, the manure will start to ferment in the soil, creating a lot of heat that can burn crop roots. Furthermore, chicken manure contains a lot of toxic bacteria, which can cause all sorts of diseases. It is essential to process chicken manure into fertilizer before use to ensure it is fully fermented and free of parasites, germs, and bacteria.

With the right production line and equipment, chicken manure can be turned into a high-grade organic fertilizer rich in NPK elements, organic matter and micro-nutrients like zinc, iron, boron, and molybdenum. The fertilizer can promote healthy microorganism growth in soil, improve soil texture and add to the nutrient profile of the soil.

Commercial Chicken Manure Fermentation Processes

Large poultry farms have tons of chicken manure to dispose of every week. For large-scale chicken manure management, specialist equipment is needed to provide an efficient and practical method or turning the waste into profitable organic fertilizer pellets. Industrial composting machinery, like the hydraulic compost windrow turner, are needed for quick, efficient chicken manure fermentation. Subject to the local climate, the manure will be thoroughly decomposed in 7 to 12 days. After the composting stage, the chicken manure can be sifted using a screening machine to remove tiny materials. The large manure particles let are send to a crushing machine before undergoing further processing into bio fertilizer powder or granules.

Chicken Manure Pellets

One of the main advantages of chicken manure fertilizer granules is that pellets are easier to store and transport than powder. There are many types of granulating machines in the marketplace that are specifically engineered to manufacturer high-grade bio fertilizer pellets. Chicken manure pellet fertilizer can increase the yield of all types of crops including vegetables, tea, watermelons, tobacco, garlic, ginger, bananas, wheat, soybeans, corn, and rice. As a result, the fertilizer is always in high demand around the globe, so it’s possible to make healthy profits setting up an organic poultry fertilizer production business.

Chicken Manure Fertilizer Production Line Machines

There are dozens of suppliers online with organic fertilizer production line machines for sales. When comparing different machines from different manufacturers, it’s important to reference the technical specifications of each model. You need high-quality machines that can meet the daily fermentation requirements of your business, so looking a price alone is not a wise comparison strategy. In order to make your fertilizer manufacturing business more efficient, you will probably want to invest in an automatic bagging machine to package your bio fertilizer pellets ready for the marketplace.

What Can You Do To Deal With Chicken Poop

Chicken manure as raw materials

Chicken manure as raw materials

If you have started to keep chickens, you will have to deal with the mess they leave behind. Raising chickens is not a neat hobby and you need to know what you can do about chicken poop. There are a few steps t is great for the garden and you will save money on fertilizer. The chicken manure that you have can be added to your compost pile or bin to create fertilizer.

If you want to speed up the process, you will need to turn the pile often. When composting, you should never use any chicken manure that has been in direct contact with other animal manure. Waste from pets such as dogs and cats should never be composted if you are using the compost for plants that feed humans. Contaminated chicken manure will need to be disposed of.

Windrow compost turner for poultry manure composting

Windrow compost turner for poultry manure composting

For dealing with amount of chicken poop, an easy-to-operate compost turner  is necessary. We recommend groove type compost turner and windrow compost turner. The former one is used for turning chicken manure placed in fermentation grooves and the latter is for compost piles.

To get the chicken manure for the compost pile or bin, you need to rake it and then pick it up. This should always be done with the right tools and while you wear protective clothing. Fresh manure will be easier to pick up and older manure which has hardened will be easy to rake.

Composting poultry litter in fermentation grooves

Composting poultry litter in fermentation grooves

After composting, you will get quality chicken manure compost which can be used as base fertilizer. In addition, you can make compost into fertilizer pellets.

Diluting The Manure

There are times when you are unable to rake and pick up the chicken manure. These situations are often in the spring when the manure has built up over the winter and is too soft to easily pick up. If there has been a light rain, you will also have problems picking up the manure to use in the compost pile.

The best solution for these times will be to dilute the manure. To do this, you will need to spray the manure with a hose to break it down. The nitrogen will start to break down when you spray it and the manure will start to wash away. If you are expecting heavy rains, you can allow the rain to dilute the manure for you. However, it is important to note that only heavy rain will do this and light rain will not be enough to dilute the manure.

Using It To make Organic Fertilizer

Composted chicken manure can be used as base fertilizer. If you want to increase its value, you can make commercial organic fertilizer from chicken poop.  You need to crush, screen, granulate, dry and package it. If you want to know more details, please visit:

Commercial poultry manure compost fertilizer production

Commercial poultry manure compost fertilizer production

Dispose Of The Manure

If you cannot compost or dilute the chicken manure, you need to dispose of it. This has to be done correctly, particularly when you deal with contaminated manure. You need to use tools dedicated to disposal for this task and dispose of the manure in a sealed bag. The bag should be placed far away from your compost pile or bin.

If you are raising chickens, you need to know what to do with this waste. Chicken manure can be used for compost, but only when it is not contaminated. You can also dilute the manure with water to break it down and wash it away.