Monthly Archives: August 2023

20,000 Organic Fertilizer Making Line Design

Designing a complete organic fertilizer production line involves several key components and processes to ensure efficient and high-quality fertilizer production. Here’s a generalized outline of a 20,000 tons per year organic fertilizer making line design:

1. Raw Material Handling and Preprocessing:

Collect organic materials such as crop residues, animal manure, kitchen waste, etc. For organic fertilizer making with a capacity of 20,000 t/y, you may need to prepare 100-200 tons of materials per day. Eapecially when you use animal manure as fertilizer.
Sort and separate materials to remove contaminants like plastics and metals.
Shred or grind large materials to facilitate decomposition.

2. Fermentation Process:

Construct fermentation piles or use fermentation tanks for controlled decomposition.
Mix organic materials with bulking agents like straw or sawdust to create proper carbon-to-nitrogen ratio.
Turn or agitate the piles regularly to ensure even decomposition and aeration.
Monitor temperature, moisture, and pH levels for optimal microbial activity.
With suitable composter for 20,000 t/h organic fertilizer making, fermentation typically takes 2-3 weeks.

3. Crushing and Mixing:

After fermentation, use a crusher to further break down materials into smaller particles.
Mix different fermented materials to achieve a uniform blend and nutrient distribution.
Add mineral additives if necessary to balance nutrient content.

4. Granulation:

Use a granulator or pelletizer to shape the mixed materials into uniform granules.
Adjust particle size by changing the die size in the granulator.
This step increases the convenience of application and reduces nutrient loss.
There are various organic fertilizer granulators for your choice. Click here to learn more.

Details structure of pan pelletizer for small scale fertilizer making

Details structure of pan pelletizer for small scale fertilizer making

5. Drying:

Dry the newly formed granules to reduce moisture content and prevent spoilage during storage.
Choose between rotary drum dryers, fluidized bed dryers, or other suitable drying methods.

6. Cooling:

After drying, cool the granules to near-ambient temperature to prepare for packaging.
Cooling also helps improve the quality and shelf life of the final product.

7. Screening and Grading:

Use vibrating screens to remove oversize or undersize granules.
Grade the granules based on size, ensuring consistent quality and application efficiency.
This is important for quality organic fertilizer manfuacturing.

8. Coating and Additives (Optional):

Apply coatings to the granules to enhance their resistance to moisture and reduce dust formation.
Add beneficial microorganisms or bio-stimulants to improve soil health.

9. Packaging:

Pack the finished organic fertilizer into bags, sacks, or other suitable containers.
Label the packages with relevant information about the product.

Granules produced by 20,000 t/y organic fertilizer making line

Granules produced by 20,000 t/y organic fertilizer making line

10. Quality Control and Testing:

Regularly sample and test the fertilizer for nutrient content, moisture levels, and potential contaminants.
Make adjustments to the production process based on testing results.

11. Environmental Considerations:

Design the production line with proper waste management and odor control systems.
Comply with local regulations and best practices to minimize environmental impact.

12. Automation and Safety:

Integrate automation where possible to streamline processes and ensure safety.
Provide proper training for employees to operate machinery and equipment safely.

Remember that the specific design and equipment used can vary based on the availability of resources, budget, and local regulations. It’s recommended to consult with experts in organic fertilizer production and engineering to create a tailored production line design for your needs. You can visit for reference.

How to Make Coal Pellets

Coal pellets, also known as coal briquettes, are a convenient and efficient way to utilize coal for various applications, from heating to industrial processes. Making coal pellets not only enhances the fuel’s energy density but also reduces its environmental impact by making it burn more cleanly and efficiently. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of making coal pellets, from selecting the right coal to forming and using the finished product.

coal pellets

coal pellets

Step 1: Coal Selection

Choosing the right type of coal is crucial for producing high-quality pellets. Bituminous coal, which is commonly used due to its high carbon content and moderate energy density, is an excellent choice. Avoid using coal with high sulfur content, as this can lead to increased emissions and air pollution during combustion.

Step 2: Coal Preparation

  1. Drying: Begin by ensuring that your coal has a low moisture content, as moisture can hinder the pelletization process. Air drying or using a mechanical dryer can effectively reduce moisture levels.
  2. Sizing: Coal chunks should be crushed into smaller particles to ensure uniform pellet formation. A crusher or hammer mill can be used for this purpose, reducing the coal to a consistent size.

Step 3: Binder Addition

  1. Binder Selection: Binders are essential for holding the coal particles together in pellet form. Common binders include lignosulfonates, starch, and molasses. Choose a binder that complements the coal type and desired pellet characteristics.
  2. Mixing: Thoroughly mix the coal particles and the chosen binder. This can be done using a mixer or a pug mill, ensuring an even distribution of the binder throughout the coal mixture.

Step 4: Pellet Formation

  1. Pelletizing Machine: Employ a pelletizing machine to shape the coal mixture into pellets. The machine applies pressure to the mixture, compacting it into pellet form. Different types of pelletizing machines are available, such as flat die pellet mills or ring die pellet mills.
  2. Die Selection: The die used in the pelletizing machine determines the size and shape of the pellets. Select a die that aligns with your intended pellet specifications.

Step 5: Drying

After pellet formation, the coal pellets need to be dried to reduce their moisture content. This enhances their combustion efficiency and prevents deterioration during storage. Pellets can be dried using natural sunlight or mechanical dryers specifically designed for this purpose.

Step 6: Quality Control

Regularly sample and test the produced coal pellets for quality control. Check for factors like size consistency, moisture content, and overall durability. Adjust the manufacturing process as needed to achieve the desired pellet quality.

Step 7: Storage and Utilization

Store the dried coal pellets in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture absorption. When using the pellets, follow these steps:

  1. Combustion: Coal pellets can be used for heating in stoves, furnaces, and boilers. They burn efficiently and emit less smoke and pollutants compared to raw coal.
  2. Industrial Applications: Coal pellets can also be used in various industrial processes, such as steel manufacturing and power generation.
  3. Environmental Benefits: Using coal pellets can help reduce the environmental impact of coal combustion by minimizing emissions and increasing energy efficiency.


Making coal pellets is a multi-step process that involves coal selection, preparation, binder addition, pellet formation, drying, and quality control. By following these steps, you can create high-quality coal pellets that offer efficient and cleaner energy options for various applications. Remember to prioritize safety and environmental considerations throughout the process, and continue refining your methods to achieve the best results.

Каковы преимущества одновального смесителя непрерывного действия для смешивания материалов?

Одновальцевые смесители непрерывного действия имеют ряд преимуществ при смешивании различных материалов:

1. Непрерывный процесс: Одновальцевые смесители работают непрерывно, что позволяет достичь более стабильного и равномерного смешивания материалов. Это особенно важно при производстве больших объемов продукции.

2. Высокая производительность: Одновальцевые смесители способны обрабатывать большие объемы материалов за короткое время, что может повысить производительность процесса смешивания.

3. Равномерное смешивание: Благодаря непрерывной подаче материалов и постоянному перемешиванию внутри смесительной камеры, достигается более равномерное распределение компонентов, что способствует высокому качеству смеси.

4. Энергосбережение: Одновальцевые смесители часто более эффективно используют энергию по сравнению с смесителем двухвальным лопастным, так как они работают непрерывно и могут быть оптимизированы для минимизации энергопотребления.

5. Меньше воздействие на материалы: Такие смесители могут быть настроены для более щадящего обращения с материалами, что важно для сохранения их физических и химических свойств.

вид сбоку смеситель непрерывного действия

вид сбоку смеситель непрерывного действия

6. Автоматизация и контроль: Одновальцевые смесители часто интегрируются в автоматизированные линии производства, что позволяет легко контролировать процесс смешивания, мониторить параметры и вносить корректировки по мере необходимости.

7. Уменьшение времени настройки: Поскольку смешивание происходит непрерывно, установка и настройка смесителя может потребовать меньше времени, чем у пакетных смесителей.

8. Снижение затрат на трудоемкость: Непрерывный процесс смешивания может уменьшить необходимость в ручной работе по подаче и перемешиванию материалов, что в свою очередь может сократить затраты на трудовые ресурсы.

Однако следует учитывать, что выбор между одновальцевым смесителем непрерывного действия и другими типами смесителей зависит от конкретных требований процесса смешивания, свойств материалов, бюджета и других факторов. Если вы хотите узнать больше об одновальном смесителе непрерывного действия, посетите:

La linea de producción de BB fertilizantes

Los fertilizantes BB (Bulk Blend) son una innovación esencial en la agricultura moderna. Estos fertilizantes, también conocidos como mezclas a granel, son productos altamente personalizables y eficientes que combinan diversas formas granulares de fertilizantes simples o compuestos en proporciones específicas(por ejemplo, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio). En este articulo, exploraremos cómo se fabrican estos fertilizantes, los equipos necesarios y por qué debe elegirnos para su producción de BB fertilizantes.

mezclas a granel

mezclas a granel

Fabricación de BB Fertilizantes

La fabricación de BB fertilizantes requiere una planificación meticulosa y atención a los detalles. Aquí hay algunos pasos clave en el proceso:

Selección de Materias Primas: La calidad de los fertilizantes depende en gran medida de las materias primas utilizadas. La elección de los ingredientes adecuados es crucial para garantizar la efectividad del producto final.

Dosificación Automatizada: Nuestro sistema dinámico de dosificación automática garantiza una mezcla precisa de los ingredientes en las proporciones correctas. La automatización asegura que cada lote de fertilizante tenga componentes nutricionales consistentes.

Dosificación Automatizada

Dosificación Automatizada

Mezclado Uniforme: La mezcla precisa es esencial para garantizar que los nutrientes estén distribuidos uniformemente en cada gránulo. Nuestra mezcladora de BB fertilizantes está diseñada para superar desafíos como la cromatografía y la distribución desigual de mezclas, mejorando la precisión de la dosificación.

mezcladora de fertilizantes BB

mezcladora de fertilizantes BB

Empaque Automatizado: El autoempacador juega un papel crucial en la fase final del proceso. Garantiza una alta precisión en el peso de cada bolsa de fertilizante y simplifica la operación.

Equipos Esenciales para la Producción de BB Fertilizantes

Para fabricar BB fertilizantes de alta calidad, es esencial contar con los siguientes equipos:

Sistema de Dosificación Automática: Garantiza la mezcla precisa de ingredientes según la fórmula deseada.

Mezcladora de BB Fertilizantes: Asegura una distribución uniforme de nutrientes en cada partícula.

Autoempacador: Logra un pesaje y empaque precisos de los fertilizantes, simplificando la operación.

¿Por qué Elegirnos?

Existen varias razones para elegir nuestros equipos en su producción de BB fertilizantes:

Tecnología Avanzada: Nuestros equipos están diseñados con tecnología avanzada que garantiza la precisión en la dosificación y el mezclado uniforme.

Gran Capacidad de Mezclado: Nuestras mezcladoras pueden mezclar rápidamente y de manera exhaustiva los materiales originales, asegurando una distribución uniforme de nutrientes.

Sistema de Control: Las mezcladoras cuentan con sistemas de control avanzados que permiten ajustar la velocidad y el tiempo de mezclado para garantizar resultados consistentes.

Operación Sencilla: Nuestros equipos son fáciles de operar, lo que reduce la carga de trabajo manual y mejora la eficiencia laboral.

Seguridad y Confiabilidad: Pasan por rigurosos controles de calidad y están fabricados con materiales resistentes al desgaste, lo que garantiza una vida útil prolongada.

Costos de la Producción de BB Fertilizantes

El costo de una línea de producción completa de BB fertilizantes puede variar según factores como la capacidad, la selección de equipos y la cantidad de equipos. En general, oscila entre los 20,000 y los 50,000 dólares estadounidenses. Para obtener una cotización detallada y personalizada, contáctenos a través de nuestro formulario de contacto.

Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar tecnología de producción avanzada para ayudarlo a lograr fertilizantes BB de alta calidad y eficiencia. Esperamos colaborar con usted en su proyecto de producción de fertilizantes BB.

What Are The Benefits Of Stirring Teeth Organic Fertilizer Granulator

A stirring teeth organic fertilizer granulator, also known as a new type organic fertilizer hranulator, is a type of equipment used to convert organic materials into granules for use as fertilizers. This type of granulator offers several benefits that make it a popular choice for organic fertilizer production. Here are some of the key benefits of using a stirring teeth organic fertilizer granulator:

Uniform Granule Formation

Stirring teeth granulators use a unique mechanism that combines agitation, mixing, and granulation in a single process. This results in the production of high hardness fertilizer granules with even nutrient distribution.

High Granulation Rate

The stirring teeth design enhances the granulation efficiency, ensuring a high rate of granule formation from the organic materials.

Flexible Material Compatibility

Stirring teeth granulators are versatile and can process various organic waste into fertilizer pellets, including livestock manure, crop residues, and other organic wastes. Click here to learn more

Adjustable Granule Size

The design of the stirring teeth granulator can control the size of the produced granules easily, allowing for customization based on crop and soil requirements.

Efficient Mixing

The stirring action during granulation promotes thorough mixing of the organic materials and any added additives, ensuring a homogeneous mixture.

Reduced Material Loss

The manganese steel stirring teeth help prevent material adhesion to the equipment walls, minimizing material loss and ensuring maximum utilization of the raw materials.

Low Energy Consumption

Stirring teeth granulators are designed for energy efficiency, reducing the overall operational costs of the granulation process. And the price of new type organic fertilizer pelletizer is also economical.

Compact Design

These granulators are often compact and occupy less space, making them suitable for both small and medium-scale organic fertilizer production facilities.

New type organic fertilizer pelletizer details

New type organic fertilizer pelletizer details

Minimal Dust and Odor

The controlled granulation process helps reduce dust emissions and odors, creating a more pleasant working environment and minimizing potential environmental concerns.

Ease of Operation

Stirring teeth granulators are generally user-friendly and easy to operate. They require minimal manual intervention during the granulation process.

Improved Nutrient Availability

The granules produced by stirring teeth granulators have enhanced nutrient availability due to the efficient granulation process, which can lead to improved plant growth and yield.

Reduced Caking

Properly granulated organic fertilizer is less prone to caking or clumping, making it easier to handle, transport, and apply to the soil.

When considering a stirring teeth organic fertilizer granulator, it’s important to assess your specific production requirements, available resources, and desired granule characteristics. Consulting with experts in organic fertilizer production can help you make an informed decision and select the most suitable granulation equipment for your needs. You can visit for more details of new type organic fertilizer machine.

How to Make BB Fertilizer?

Creating balanced and effective fertilizer blends, known as BB (balanced blend) fertilizers, is a crucial aspect of modern agriculture. These blends provide plants with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth, increased yield, and overall improved quality. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of making BB fertilizer, ensuring that your crops thrive and flourish.

bb fertilizer blender

bb fertilizer blender

1. Understanding BB Fertilizer

BB fertilizer, also referred to as balanced fertilizer, is a custom blend of essential nutrients that plants require for optimal growth. The term “balanced” signifies that the blend contains a proportionate mix of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), along with other secondary and micronutrients. These nutrients play distinct roles in plant development, with nitrogen promoting leaf and stem growth, phosphorus aiding in root development and flower production, and potassium enhancing overall plant health and disease resistance.

2. Gather Your Materials

Before diving into the process of making BB fertilizer, gather all the necessary materials and equipment. You will need:

  • Nitrogen source: Examples include ammonium sulfate, urea, or ammonium nitrate.
  • Phosphorus source: Consider using triple superphosphate or monoammonium phosphate.
  • Potassium source: Potassium chloride or potassium sulfate are common options.
  • Secondary nutrients: These include calcium (lime) and magnesium (dolomite).
  • Micronutrients: Zinc, copper, iron, manganese, and boron are essential micronutrients.
  • Measuring tools: Scales and measuring cups to ensure accurate proportions.
  • Mixing equipment: A large container or blending machine for thorough mixing.

3. Calculating Proportions

To create a balanced blend, calculate the proportions of each nutrient based on the specific needs of your crops. Consult soil tests and crop nutrient requirements to determine the ideal ratio of N, P, and K, as well as secondary and micronutrients. This step is crucial to avoid over-fertilization or nutrient imbalances that could harm plant growth.

4. Mixing Process

a. Start by measuring the required amounts of each nutrient according to your calculated proportions. It’s essential to be precise during this step to achieve a truly balanced blend.

b. Combine the measured nutrients in the mixing container or blending machine. Ensure that the materials are evenly distributed.

c. Thoroughly mix the ingredients to achieve a uniform blend. If using a blending machine, follow its instructions for optimal mixing time and intensity.

5. Adding Fillers

To enhance the physical properties of the BB fertilizer and make it easier to apply, you can add fillers such as finely ground limestone or other inert materials. Fillers help prevent clumping and ensure even distribution of nutrients when applied to the soil.

6. Quality Control and Testing

Before finalizing your BB fertilizer blend, perform quality control checks. Take a sample of the blend and analyze it for nutrient content and uniformity. Adjust the blend if necessary to meet the desired nutrient ratios.

7. Packaging and Storage

Once you’re satisfied with the quality and balance of your BB fertilizer, package it in appropriate containers, such as bags or bulk containers. Label each package with the nutrient composition and recommended application rates. Store the fertilizer in a cool, dry place to maintain its integrity and effectiveness.

8. Application

Apply the BB fertilizer to the soil based on your crops’ specific needs and growth stages. Follow recommended application rates and methods to ensure optimal nutrient uptake by the plants.

In conclusion, mastering the art of creating BB fertilizer requires a deep understanding of plant nutrition, precise calculations, and meticulous blending. By following this comprehensive guide, you can craft a well-balanced fertilizer blend that provides your crops with the nutrients they need for robust growth, increased yield, and exceptional quality. If you are interested in it, you can visit

Преимущества барабанного гранулятора по сравнению с другими.

Барабанный гранулятор – это вид оборудования, используемого для процесса грануляции, который позволяет преобразовать сырье в гранулы определенного размера и формы. Преимущества барабанного гранулятора могут включать в себя следующее:

1. Высокая производительность: Барабанные грануляторы часто способны обрабатывать большие объемы сырья и производить гранулы в больших количествах, что делает их подходящими для промышленных производств.

2. Регулируемый размер гранул: Барабанные грануляторы позволяют точно контролировать размер и форму гранул, что важно для производства продуктов с определенными характеристиками.

3. Равномерность гранул: Благодаря постоянному вращению барабана и равномерному распределению сырья, гранулы, произведенные на барабанном грануляторе, часто имеют более равномерный размер и химический состав.

4. Минимальные потери сырья: Барабанные грануляторы могут снизить потери сырья и максимизировать выход гранул, что позволяет более эффективно использовать сырье.

5. Адаптивность к различным материалам: Барабанные грануляторы способны обрабатывать разнообразные типы сырья, включая минералы, удобрения, корма для животных и другие продукты.

Гранулятор с вращающимся барабаном готов к отгрузке

Гранулятор с вращающимся барабаном готов к отгрузке

6. Эффективное смешивание: В процессе грануляции барабанный гранулятор также может выполнять функцию смешивания, что позволяет равномерно распределить добавки или ингредиенты по всему объему гранул.

7. Относительно низкие затраты на обслуживание: Барабанные грануляторы, как правило, имеют простую конструкцию, что упрощает их обслуживание и ремонт.

Однако стоит отметить, что выбор оптимального типа гранулятора зависит от конкретных требований процесса и свойств сырья. Другие типы грануляторов, такие как плоскодисковые грануляторы, винтовые грануляторы и др., также имеют свои преимущества и могут быть более подходящими в некоторых ситуациях. Чтобы узнать больше, добро пожаловать на сайт:

How Long To Compost Sheep Manure

The time it takes to compost sheep manure can vary depending on several factors, including the composting method, environmental conditions, and the specific composting process used. If you process properly, sheep manure can take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks to fully compost. Here are some factors that can influence the composting time for sheep manure:

Composting Method

Different composting methods, such as traditional composting in natural conditions needs 3 to 6 months. But is you use professional sheep manure compost machines, you finish the manure fermentation even within 20 days. They can expedite the process by creating optimal conditions for microbial activity and decomposition.

Carbon-to-Nitrogen Ratio (C/N)

Maintaining a balanced C/N ratio in the compost pile is crucial. Sheep manure is rich in nitrogen, so it’s important to mix it with carbon-rich materials like straw, sawdust, or dry leaves to achieve an ideal C/N ratio (around 25-30:1). A balanced ratio helps speed up decomposition. When composting sheep manure, SX compost machine also can mix it with these materials evenly, to make them react better.

Particle Size

Smaller particle sizes result in faster decomposition, as they provide a larger surface area for microbial activity. Shredding or chopping the sheep manure and other compost materials can help speed up the process. For this, sheep waste composter can broken manure cake simply. But for finer powder making,  you need to use special goat manure crushing machine.

Moisture Content

Proper moisture levels are essential for microbial activity. The compost pile should be kept consistently moist, similar to a wrung-out sponge. Dry conditions slow down decomposition, while overly wet conditions can lead to anaerobic decomposition.

Aeration and Turning

Regularly turning the compost pile helps introduce oxygen, which is vital for sheep manure compost making. Frequent turning can accelerate the composting process. And this is also the main function of goat machine compost equipment. Click here  to learn more.

Goat manure composting machines for sale

Goat manure composting machines for sale


The compost pile’s internal temperature plays a significant role in decomposition. Aim for temperatures between 130-160°F (55-70°C) during the active composting phase to kill pathogens and accelerate breakdown.

Microbial Activity

The activity of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and other decomposers, is crucial for composting. Factors like oxygen, moisture, and temperature influence microbial activity.

Seasonal Variations

Composting may occur faster during warmer months when microbial activity is higher. In colder weather, the process may slow down.

It’s important to monitor the compost pile regularly, including temperature, moisture, and smell, to ensure proper decomposition and avoid potential issues like odor or pathogens. When the composted sheep manure has a dark, crumbly texture and an earthy smell, it’s a sign that it’s fully decomposed and ready for use as a valuable organic fertilizer in gardens or agricultural fields. If are interested in sheep manure compost machine, you can visit for more information.