Conference venue
The conference venue is at the Provincial Court in Bruges, which is located in the historical centre of Bruges.
Markt 3, 8000 Brugge, Belgium
How to get there
Download a route description for the conference venue.
Download a route description for the excursion 4th of December.
Bruges can easily be reached by car, train, and plane.
Detailed information on how to get to Bruges can be found on the official website of the city:
A limited number of hotel rooms has been reserved for participants of ManuREsource until October 4 2013. For hotel reservations and further information on accomodation, please click on the image below:
All reservations are made on a first come, first served basis. In the event that no rooms are available in either your first or second choice hotel, Meeting in Brugge will endeavour to find alternative accommodation in another hotel close to your chosen price range.
about VCM, inagro, Ugent and POM
Flemish Coordination Centre for Manure Processing (VCM) VCM is the primary contact point for all aspects related to manure processing in Flanders. VCM is an independent intermediary platform between the government and the manure processing sector. The mission of VCM is to support sustainable manure processing activities in Flanders, by informing the government and the sector on all aspects related to manure processing and stimulating and coordinating consultation.
Ugent: The Ghent University lab of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Environmental Chemistry is specialized in nutrient management and nutrient processing in water treatment, manure processing, anaerobic digestion and agro-industrial processes in general. As such, the lab of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Environmental Chemistry has a broad view on chemical nutrient composition, concentrations and availability in manure, digestate and their derivatives. Furthermore Ghent University has a great expertise in economical valorization possibilities in the field of nutrient recuperation.
inagro: Inagro’s ambition is to be a lead knowledge center on agriculture through applied scientific research. We aim to distribute independent and objective information to agro-professionals, the community and different policy levels. The main topics Inagro works on are feed, food, fuel, fibre, biodiversity, pharmacy and biorefinery. Quality and innovation are within this context our priorities.
POM West Flanders: POM West Flanders initiates, coordinates and realises activities and projects focussing on sustainable entrepreneurship, business infrastructure, innovation, social economy and international business support. The aim is the reinforcement of West Flanders as an internationally orientated, dynamic, competitive and innovative region with a positive working climate and an attractive environment.
About Bruges
For information on the city of Bruges, we refer to the official website of the city: