Making organic fertilizer on a large scale requires careful planning and execution. Here are six steps to guide you through the process:
Gather Raw Materials:
Collect organic materials such as crop residues, animal manure, kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic matter. These materials will serve as the base for your organic fertilizer. Ensure a variety of materials to create a balanced and nutrient-rich blend. A large scale organic fertilizer making line can dispose of over 300 tons of organic waste a day.

Organic fertilizer making materials
Composting is a crucial step in converting organic matter into organic fertilizer. Follow these sub-steps:
a. Mixing: Blend the collected organic materials in the right proportions to achieve a balanced C:N (Carbon to Nitrogen) ratio. This is usually about 25-30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen. You may need to shred or chop larger materials for faster decomposition.
b. Aeration: To promote decomposition, ensure proper aeration. Turn the compost pile regularly to introduce oxygen and prevent anaerobic conditions (which can create odors). Click here for equipment of easier large scale composting.
c. Moisture Control: Maintain the moisture level at around 50-60% by adding water or allowing for natural rainfall. The compost pile should be as damp as a wrung-out sponge.
d. Temperature Management: The compost pile will heat up due to microbial activity. Monitor the temperature, which should reach 130-160°F (54-71°C) for a few weeks to kill pathogens and weed seeds.
After the active composting phase, allow the compost to cure for several weeks or even months. This helps stabilize the organic matter and lets it mature. So you can make organic fertilizer in a large scale better. Regularly turn and monitor the pile during curing.
Screening and Grinding:
After curing, screen the compost to remove any large, uncomposted material or debris. You can also grind the compost to achieve a finer, uniform texture.
Blending and Formulation:
To create a balanced organic fertilizer, mix the compost with other organic ingredients like rock phosphate, bone meal, kelp meal, or other natural additives that provide specific nutrients. The specific formulation will depend on the crops you intend to fertilize. Be sure to follow the guidelines for creating a well-balanced and nutrient-rich product.
Packaging and Storage:
Package the finished organic fertilizer in appropriate containers or bags. Label the products with their nutrient content and application instructions. Store the fertilizer in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area to maintain its quality. This is even a ton bagging machine for large scale fertilizer production.
Remember to follow local regulations and guidelines for organic fertilizer production, and regularly test your product to ensure it meets quality and safety standards. Large-scale organic fertilizer production may also require machinery like compost turners and grinders, so consider your equipment needs and budget of large scale organic fertilizer making accordingly. You can visit for reference.